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CAJS Releases Curia v4.1.8
The CAJS is committed to providing solutions that improve the administration of justice for everyone concerned. We’ve been working hard on the Curia Suite of products to bring new features and fixes to improve the experience of all stakeholders. Here are some of these...
The CAJS continues to support digital transformation in Belize justice sector
A high-level delegation from the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions (CAJS) visited Belize to offer their expertise in the continued efforts to accelerate digital transformation in the Justice sector. The delegation paid a courtesy visit to the chairman...
The CIJA partners with the CAJS to implement its Digital Transformation Initiative
The Cayman Islands Judicial Administration (CIJA), which recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the CAJS, continues to work with the Agency to implement the Curia Court Management System, allowing the courts to implement a more modern, web-based system...
Judicial and legal professionals engage in virtual capacity building initiative
EVOLVING JUDICIAL and Legal Practices for the Digital Age, was the subject of a two-day online event hosted by the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions(CAJS), and the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), on October 20-21, 2021. According to a release from...
CCJ president to address virtual regional conference
A two-day conference aimed at ensuring that Caribbean judicial and legal officers have a forum to share experiences and track the technology trends shaping courts, the legal profession and society, gets underway on Wednesday. Read more.
CAJS Collaborates with the Eugene Dupuch Law School to facilitate Webinar Series
Our Webinar Series will deal with matters such as rebuilding our tourism economies, technology and Caribbean development, the importance and value of fundamental rights and freedoms in the context of protecting the dignity and autonomy of our peoples and fortifying...
Caribbean Technology Experts call for the Strengthening of Caribbean Internet Infrastructure
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the advancement of a digitization across all sectors or Caribbean economies. Mr. Bevil Wooding, Executive Director of the CAJS was among a group of speakers that highlighted the need for a focus on the robustness and security of...
Caribbean Governments key to region’s resilience through technology
Governments are the lynchpins to any discussion on the role of technology during this pandemic. Read more.
Belize Courts officially launched the Folio E-filing system
Through the project committee created following the agreement signed in February 2021, the system was able to be implemented in under six (6) weeks. The Folio e-filing platform allows for faster processing of court documents and valuable time and cost savings for the...
Launch of folio e-filing: A digital transformation of Belize’s courts
The Belize Courts will launch its new electronic filing platform on Monday, April 26,(today) making it a leader in a move by the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions, to transform judicial systems in the Caribbean digitally. Read more.
Court filing in Belize to go digital
The launch will represent a partnership between the Government of Belize and Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions to provide a solution that will improve the quality and efficiency of the provision of legal services in Belize. Read more.
Belize Government Signs Development Cooperation Agreement with APEX for Digital Transformation of Courts in Belize
Hon. Magali Marin Young, Attorney General of Belize, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions, to collaborate on the strengthening of systems to support the courts and the office of the Attorney General. Read more.
Government of Belize signs Memorandum of Understanding with APEX
This morning the Government of Belize signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions during a short virtual ceremony. The MOU seeks to strengthen systems that support the courts and the office of the Attorney General. Read more.
Belize signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions On February 25, 2021, the Government of Belize signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Agency, moving to strengthen the systems that support the courts and the office of the Attorney General. The agreement included...
Bahamas Industrial Tribunal partners with the Caribbean Agency for Justice Solutions to launch Bahamas’ first smart court
In continuation of the Tribunal’s partnership with the Agency, the Industrial Tribunal’s Smart Court has been launched allowing for in-house hearings to be held virtually for the first time in the Tribunal’s history. The Tribunal now utilizes the Agency’s...
Barbados New Chief Justice To Launch E-Filing system
Barbados’ new Chief Justice, Patterson Cheltenham, is expected to launch an e-filing system for the judicial system that would render the litigation process paperless soon, and speed up the rate at which matters are handled. “Very shortly, we expect to launch the...
Minister Thompson commends Bahamas Industrial Tribunal for its diligence
Hon. Minister of State for Grand Bahama, Senator the Hon. Kwasi Thompson congratulated the Bahamas Industrial Tribunal for accomplishing something which many others have not – holding a virtual hearing conducted in New Providence and in Grand Bahama at the same time....
The Bahamas Industrial Tribunal launches Bahamas’ first smart court
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced our courts and many of our public institutions to close their doors and restrict in-person proceedings. In the midst of this unprecedented disruption, the Bahamas Industrial Tribunal has seized the opportunity to incorporate...
The Law and Society Webinar Series
Our Webinar Series will deal with matters such as rebuilding our tourism economies, technology and Caribbean development, the importance and value of fundamental rights and freedoms in the context of protecting the dignity and autonomy of our peoples and fortifying...