The CAJS is committed to providing solutions that improve the administration of justice for everyone concerned. We’ve been working hard on the Curia Suite of products to bring new features and fixes to improve the experience of all stakeholders. Here are some of these changes.

Electronic Payments
Attorneys and Self-Presenteing Litigants have the ability to pay case fees and costs directly from the Folio e-filing platform. Escrow Accounts and Escrow Payments are also included.
Set a backdate for e-filing
Registry Curia Administrators can now set a backdate for e-filing allowing court administrators to clear build-up of cases while transferring to the electronic filing software.

View timestamp for e-filing of documents
Folio users now have the ability to view the timestamp for documents submitted and e-filed or not accepted.
New Reporting Capabilities in Sightlines
Sightlines is now equipped with new reporting capabilities including: ‘Case Invoices Report’, ‘Judges Case Report,’ ‘Financial Summary Report.’ All reports can be exported to Excel.